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Filters: Keyword is delay estimation and Author is Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska  [Clear All Filters]
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T. Xiao and Marek-Sadowska, M., Efficient delay calculation in presence of crosstalk, in Quality Electronic Design, 2000. ISQED 2000. Proceedings. IEEE 2000 First International Symposium on, 2000, pp. 491 -497.
C. - Y. Yeh and Marek-Sadowska, M., Sequential delay budgeting with interconnect prediction, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 12, pp. 1028 -1037, 2004.
A. Mukherjee, Sudhakar, R., Marek-Sadowska, M., and Long, S. I., Wave steering in YADDs: a novel non-iterative synthesis and layout technique, in Design Automation Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 36th, 1999, pp. 466 -471.
T. Xiao and Marek-Sadowska, M., Worst delay estimation in crosstalk aware static timing analysis, in Computer Design, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 International Conference on, 2000, pp. 115 -120.