Pin assignment for improved performance in standard cell design

TitlePin assignment for improved performance in standard cell design
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsMarek-Sadowska, M, Lin, S
Conference NameComputer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 1990. ICCD '90. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE International Conference on
Date Publishedsep
Keywordsactive area, chip performance optimization, circuit layout CAD, delay analysis, delays, longest delay, pin assignment algorithm, standard cell design, standard cells
AbstractChip performance optimization is a crucial task in the modern design process. A method to improve the longest delay in a circuit built for standard cells is discussed. The method used to improve the designs is attractive because it does not require an increase in active area. All the improvements are achieved by a careful pin assignment. An efficient pin assignment algorithm is proposed. It has been implemented and the results are very encouraging