Via-Configurable Routing Architectures and Fast Design Mappability Estimation for Regular Fabrics

TitleVia-Configurable Routing Architectures and Fast Design Mappability Estimation for Regular Fabrics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsRan, Y, Marek-Sadowska, M
JournalVery Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Pagination998 -1009
Date Publishedsept.
Keywordsapplication specific integrated circuits, application-specified integrated circuits, ASICs, fast design mappability estimation, incremental cell movement scheme, integrated circuit design, integrated circuit interconnections, mappability, mask cost, network routing, regular fabrics, routability problem, via-configurable routing architectures, white-space allocation
AbstractIn this paper, we describe a new via-configurable routing architecture which shows a much better throughput and performance than the previous structures. We demonstrate how to construct a single-via-mask fabric to reduce the mask cost further, and we analyze the penalties which it incurs. To solve the routability problem commonly existing in fabric-based designs, an efficient white-space allocation and an incremental cell movement scheme are suggested, which help to provide a fast design convergence and early prediction of circuit's mappability to a given fabric